Wenn ich mit Menschen-
Even if I spoke with the tongues of men

Vier ernste Gesänge Four Serious Songs

Luther - I CrnthXIII

Even if I spoke with the tongues of men
and of angels and had no love,
so I would be as sounding brass
or a ringing bell.
And if I could prophesy
and knew all the secrets
and had all knowledge
and had all faith
so that I could move mountains,
but had no love,
I would be nothing.
And if I gave all my goods
to the poor
and let my body be burned,
but had no love,
it would do me no good.
For we now see through a mirror
words that are not clear,
but then we shall be face to face.
Now I know in fragments,
but then I will know in the same way
as I shall be known.
But now are left Faith, Hope and Love,
these three:
but Love is the greatest of them