Heiss mich nicht reden
Don't ask me to talk, but to be still
Lieder der Mignon Songs for Mignon
Don’t ask me to talk, but to be still,
For I am bound to secrecy.
I would share my inner being with you,
But fate decrees that will not be.
At the appointed time the sun
Drives out dark night and makes it yield to day.
The hardest rock does not withhold the breast
From Earth, but lets spring waters play.
We all seek peace within a friend’s embrace,
There to express our misery.
My lips, though, by an oath are sealed
From which a god alone can set me free.
Kennst du das Land
Do you know the Country?
Lieder der Mignon Songs for Mignon
Do you know the country where lemons grow?
Where through dark-green leaves golden oranges glow?
Where gentle breezes come from a clear sky
And the myrtle is still and the laurel grows high?
Do you know it, then? It is there, there
I would go, my beloved, with you.
Do you know the house, Its roof rests on colonnades?
Its great hall is agleam, It has balconnades
And marble figures lean down and say:
‘Poor child, what have they done to you, pray?’
Do you know it, then? It is there, there
I would go, my protector, with you.
Do you know the mountain, its path in the cloud?
The mule picks his way through the mist, its head bowed.
In caves there you’ll find antique dragons’ kin,
The sheer rock face, the great water-fall’s din.
Do you know it then? It is there, there
We must go, Father – O let us go now!
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt
Only someone sick with yearning
Lieder der Mignon Songs for Mignon
Only someone sick with yearning
Knows just what it is I feel;
Alone, cut off
From any pleasure
I scan the heavens
In the distance there.
But he who knows and loves me
Is so far from anywhere!
My heart and soul are burning,
And how my head does reel!
Only someone who’s been sick with yearning
Knows just what it is I feel.
So lasst mich scheinen
Let me play the part till it comes true
Lieder der Mignon Songs for Mignon
Let me play the part till it comes true;
Don’t take off this nice white dress!
I’m leaving this sweet world and you
For that haven Free from all distress.
There I shall rest in peace a while
Till new horizons greet my eyes.
Then I will shed this dear disguise,
The belt and chaplet that beguile.
For those celestial beings there
Are not of any sex aware;
No clothes or flowing robes adorn
The spiritual, transfigured form.
Yes, my life’s been free from toil and worry,
But I’ve known my share of pain.
Torment aged me all too early –
Restore eternal youth again!
This page Copyright © 2025 Uri Liebrecht