
Brettl Lieder Brettl Songs


Fräulein Gigerlette
Invited me to tea.
At her toilette,
She’d decided white would set the key;
So just like Pierrette
She’d dressed accordingly.
Even a monk, I’d bet,
Would look at Gigerlette
Most approvingly.

It was in a red room
That she receivèd me,
A room quite without gloom –
With candle-light to see.
And as ever she was bubbling,
Bubbling with esprit.
I’ll remember it till the day of doom;
Ruby-red as wine the room,
And white as snow was she.

Trotting with a team of four
We took a trip, we two,
To the land called
Joyfulness so’s to admire the view!
In order not to lose
Direction, pace or tack
As we drove that fiery team,
Cupid sat there at the back.