Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
God, your goodness extends as far as the clouds travel.
You honour us with compassion and are quick to our support.
Lord, my fortress, rock and refuge, hear my petition and heed my words,
For it is in your presence that I desire to pray.
I ask of you, Lord Zebaoth,
Not for a life that’s long;
Humility in fortune, in need to be strong;
That that should be my lot.
My days rest in your hand;
When in death before you I stand,
Show me your mercy.
Die Liebe des Nächsten
Love of your Neighbour
Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
A man who says: I love God, yet hates his brothers,
makes a mockery of God’s truth and demeans it.
God is love and it is his will that I should love my neighbour as myself.
What I have done for good men on earth,
For the smallest even of these others,
That my Saviour does regard as living proof
Of my good worth.
Could I a man of God remain
And not delighting in my brothers?
Vom Tode
On Death
Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
My life is ending and with each hour I move more swiftly to the grave.
What is there left for me to do in life?
Think, my man, on the nature of your death.
Do not delay, there is one more thing to be done.
Overcome Death through your faith.
Say: I know whom I believe in
And I know that I shall see Him
Manifest in this my body.
He who cried: It has been done!
Ensure’s Death’s powers now are none.
Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur
The Glory of God in Nature
Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
The heavens sing the praises of God
Resoundingly spreading his name.
The earth exalts him, the seas extol him.
Hear their divine word.
Who sustains heaven’s innumerable stars?
Who leads the sun from its resting place
To come and shine and smile on us
And like a hero run its course?
Gottes Macht und Vorsehung
God's Power and Providence
Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
The Lord is my song!
The God of strength,
Exalted his name and great his works.
His dominion, the heavens’ length.
He is clothed in light,
Decrees the best that’s known.
The reigning Lord defends his throne
With Truth and what is Right.
Who can grasp the glory
Of the miracles You have wrought?
No grain of dust can be ignored;
It proclaims the power of the Lord.
Penitential Song
Sechs Lieder von Gellert Six Gellert Songs
Against you alone, against you have I sinned
And often in your sight done wrong.
You see the sin that justifies your curse,
God, note also my distress.
From you my pleas, my sighs are not concealed,
My tears fall in your sight,
My God, how long am I to sorrow,
For how long will you stay apart?
Lord, do not treat me according to my sins,
Or deal with me according to my guilt.
I search for you, grant that I should find your face.
God of patience and forbearance.
Once you wished to fill me with your grace,
God, father of compassion,
Show mercy now, for your name’s sake,
You are my God.
Let me once more follow in your path with joy,
Instruct me in your holy law
So that I may daily do your pleasure.
You are my God and I, your servant.
Lord, protector, may you soon be at my side
And lead me along straight pathways.
He hears my call, the Lord listens to my cries
And he accepts my soul.
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