Die junge Nonne
The Young Nun
How the howling storm boils in the trees,
Rattling the roof beams, rocking the eaves!
Crashes of thunder, lightning flares,
And darkness, night black as the grave.
And yet, and yet not long ago just such a storm raged in me;
My life was in turmoil just like this gale,
My limbs trembled like the house,
Love seared through me like lightning,
And darkness, darkness lay in my breast as in the grave.
Rage on, now, wild and mighty storm,
In this heart lies peace and quiet repose.
Calmly, cleansed by searching fire,
The bride awaits her groom,
Betrothed to eternal love.
I wait for my Saviour with longing eyes,
Come heavenly Bridegroom and claim your bride;
Deliver her soul from the bonds of earth.
Hear now, the friendly bell sounds from the tower,
Sounds calling me all-mightily up to the Heavens.
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